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Leaving Year 12, free at last

Year 12, free at last

School leavers, you are diving into a magical, wonderful, scary world where you have the freedom to make big decisions that will change your life.

As the rest of your life stretches out ahead of you with no one telling you what to do, be gentle on yourself, no doubt, things will turn out okay.


Listen to your dreams, they know the way

Trusting yourself after all those years being guided through school, takes self-confidence. It is easier to rush around, fill your time, play computer games and give yourself “shoulds”.

You should do more around the house. You should visit your grandmother. You should get fit.

Your dreams will have whispered the way to go, but they are difficult to hear amid your fears, busyness and noise from others telling you what to do.

Give yourself space to hear your dreams.

Three pathways. One choice…. for now

As you leave school, there are really only three pathways to choose from:

  1. Uni: You can go to uni. Most of you who do not have an apprenticeship or traineeship will go to uni.  See Is the uni bus right for you?
  2. VET: You can get an apprenticeship of traineeship or enrol in a technical skills course at a college. Check some possible technical courses here.
  3. Gap Year: Your gap year can be the most exciting choice. You may come to understand your authentic self with no one telling you what to do all the time. See Gap Year Ideas.

Check practical suggestions at What Happens when I leave year 12.

Stand on the shoulders of giants

This is the first time you have left school. Mentors and career counsellors have helped many school leavers who have gone before you.

Find a wise person and talk with them about your choices. Make it someone who has time for you. Unearthing your authentic self will take time. Find mentor suggestions HERE.

Talk with them. Think about your discussions. Write in a journal. Go for walks.

Finding your authentic self is a life journey. You will start down lots of paths and changing direction isn’t easy.

Nurture your strengths and when you find good paths, build your resilience for the tough times, which will surely come. See What Matters to You? the resilience project.

Have a wonderful time finding the best possible you.

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