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How to set up a successful school industry partnership

If you have ever tried to take a class on an excursion you know how hard it is. The maths staff complain that they need the students to do a test on that day. The front office staff complain that you haven’t finished the paper work. The students don’t bring in their money.

It doesn’t seem worth the effort.

School systems aren’t set up to support learning out of school grounds. 

As the boundaries between schools, universities and registered training organisations (RTOs) become more porous there is a need for schools to become more agile in their approach to learning.

Unis and RTOs have these 5 systems in place that support flexible learning.

1. Governance

They specify what they are aiming to achieve and who is responsible within each organisation. They also have a time and reporting stipulations and they have identified standards that support strategic goals.

2. Management

Universities and VET training providers have management systems in place to guide off campus learning. The management process includes how the project fits into strategic targets and learning outcomes.

3. Legal

There are generic equal opportunity, privacy, duty of care and occupational health and safety laws designed to protect students, workers and volunteers. Once these standards are in place they provide the framework for all excursions.

4. Financial

Universities and RTOs organise their finances so that there are staff who take responsibility for  flexible learning arrangements. This is not the task of the academic staff. Financial management will be determined by school funding models and may include costs associated with the off campus activities.

5. Technical

Universities and RTOs have IT systems that capture and share information without the need for duplication.

Want to know more?

Email me for a copy of the How to set up a school – industry partnership framework.








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